Friday, January 7, 2011

The Opposition - a Quiz

As you know, when it comes to K and P endings the opposition is often critical. I came across a site called Chesspupil that apparently has not been kept up to date for several years, but they have a page on the opposition that is interactive. You are given a position then asked to mark which answer best describes the position. At the end you are informed of the number of correct responses and then given explanation explanations. Here is the first of the 15 questions so you should at least get one correct!

Which answer is correct?a) White to play wins after 1.d3! after which he gains the opposition. If it's Black to play then after 1...Kd5 2.Kd3! Kc5 3.Ke4! White initiates an outflanking manouver and wins.

b) If it is White to play then Black gets a draw because he has the opposition and waiting moves don't work for White. If it's Black to play then after 1...Kd5 2.Kd3! Kc5 3.Ke4! White initiates an outflanking manouver and wins.c) It's a draw no matter who moves first.
Highlight for the correct answer:  b is correct

Go to the quiz

The site has also has similar tests in various other areas. HERE

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