Monday, October 18, 2010

Struggle of game helpful for elderly...

Are you a senior citizen? Wife complaining about the time you spend playing CC or Internet blitz or money spent on chess books? Read...

The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Games such as bridge, Scrabble or chess are often recommended for senior citizens because they're thought to diminish the decline in cognitive capacity associated with aging.  Chess, in particular, has been called "the gymnasium of the mind." But an equally important reason to take up chess as we age might exist. Because struggle is central to chess, it can be a vital activity for those who find themselves unchallenged in the diminished world of retirement.

1 comment:

  1. Crossword puzzles sure worked for my mom lol

    But the the brain is like any other muscle. Use it or lose it
