Thursday, October 7, 2010

Purdy vs. Napolitano

I previously posted a game from the 1st world CC Championship that wasn’t a very good example of CC play at the highest levels. Here is an interesting game by the winner, C.J.S. Purdy against one of the world’s top CC players of the day. It was an interesting game and Purdy describes how he had pages and pages of analysis. Still, despite Purdy’s being an excellent writer with an uncanny knack for explaining chess, and superb analyst, by today’s standards of GM CC play, it wasn’t very well played as any engine can point out numerous improvements for both sides.

Purdy had an OTB IM title as well as a CC GM title. If memory serves, his FIDE rating was only in the low 2200’s, but considering he lived in Australia at a time when he had little opportunity to play in international tournaments, it’s hard to say, but that rating seems quite a bit low.

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