Saturday, June 5, 2010

Alexander Ilyin-Genevsky

Speaking of Alexander Ilyin-Genevsky. In 1925 the first international tournament was held in Moscow and one game of particular interest was then world champion Capablanca's game against Ilyin-Genevsky. This was the position after White's 31st move:

Black seems to be in a bad way: the Q has to retreat and White will inevitably threaten mate with Rh3. But Ilyin-Genevsky discovered an unexpected way to repulse his opponent's threat and gain decisive superiority.

31... exf4 32. Rxe3 fxe3 33. Qe1 Rb2 34. Qxe3 Rdd2 35. Bf3 c4 36. a3 Bd6 37. Qxa7 c3 and Capablanca resigned here. The finish might have been 38.Qe3 Be5 39. Rc1 Bd4 40. Qf4 e5 41. Qh4 Be3 42. Re1 Rh2+

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