Saturday, May 8, 2010

Free Chess Instructional Material

A couple years ago the local library started a chess club. Two kids showed up and it fizzled out in two weeks, but I used the handouts from a site called Rockford Chess. Their handouts are downloadable in pdf format and are good for teaching beginners about the board, pieces and other elementary aspects. If you’re trying to teach beginners, they have some good stuff.

The Oklahoma Scholastic Chess Organization is an excellent site that offers tons of downloads that can be used in teaching chess.

Professor Chess has some good material for teaching students. They have 25 files available to all visitors for free downloading and subscribers can download 900 pages of instructional material.

BTW: There’s a site that offers downloads of books in Russian as well as other books at a place called Chesszone but DO NOT visit the site. According to Norton Antivirus the site contains Trojan Horses. I only mention this site because I’ve seen some links to it on various forums.

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