Thursday, April 29, 2010

Potpourri from Edward Winter

I love this site! I just spent the last half hour poking around in it.
Poor Mrs. Stevenson...
Mrs Agnes Stevenson (née Lawson) died on 20 August 1935, as reported on pages 393-394 of the September 1935 BCM:
‘... [she] was on her way to Warsaw to help England in the ladies’ championship of the world. She had arrived at Posen on Tuesday, the 20th, by aeroplane from Berlin, and after having completed the passport formalities she was returning to the aeroplane. Thinking it was just leaving she ran for it, and unfortunately approached the front instead of the cabin. The propellers, which had just been started, hit her on the head and killed her instantaneously.’

Her widower, Rufus Henry Streatfeild Stevenson, married Vera Menchik on 19 October 1937 (BCM, November 1937, page 551).

Also here’s a link to Bobby Fischer’s chess columns that appeared in Boy’s Life magazine.

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