Friday, May 31, 2019

Addendum: Zugzwang!!

Reader Mike Steve has provided additional information that appeared in a 1927 issue of Wiener Schachzietung. The participants included practically all the top players in Prague. Mr. Steve added that at some later date, likely after the world war, Dr. Karel Skalicka changed his first name to Carlos and dropped the accent mark on his last name. The crosstable:

Shortly after the Kautsky Memorial, the Prague City Championship took place. Thelen won with a score of 10-1 (no losses). The remaining finishers were Hradsky (7.5), Reifir (7.0), Hromadka (6.0), Ceha and Vecsey (5.5), Kubanek and Poisl (5.0), Grguric, Reimoser, and Runza (4.0) and Dr. Vitkovsky (2.0)

After the city championship a double round tournament was held in Prague. Hromadka won with 9.5-4.5, followed by Prokes, Rejfir, Skalicka (7.5) then Prokop, Schulz, Thelen, and Treybal (6.0).

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